Knifeman bursts into Rotherham home and threatens two pensionersÂ

Aston. Picture: GoogleAston. Picture: Google
Aston. Picture: Google
A knifeman pushed his way into a home and threatened two terrified pensioners with a blade. Â

An 85-year-old woman answered a knock at the door at her home in Mansfield Road, Aston, and was pushed to the floor as a man barged his way in. 

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Aston. Picture: GoogleAston. Picture: Google
Aston. Picture: Google

He threatened her with a knife and demanded money. The elderly woman managed to get into the kitchen and close the door.

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At the time of the incident, her friend, a 75-year-old man, was sat in the living room. He was also threatened with the blade and told to hand over his wallet.

The elderly man said he didn't have a wallet and then called out to the woman to call the police. The offender then fled the scene empty handed.   

Detectives have not made any arrests yet and have launched an appeal for information about the incident, which happened on Tuesday, November 27, at 4.55pm.  

In a statement, South Yorkshire Police said: 'Officers are appealing for any information to help identify the suspect, and would particularly like to speak to two people who were at the bus stop across the road, near Florence Avenue, who may have witnessed the suspect leaving the property.

'Anyone with any information is asked to please call 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting incident number 526 of 27 November 2018.'

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