Man stable in hospital with serious injury after stabbing in Sheffield city centre

A man was stabbed in Sheffield city centre yesterday morning (Photo: Steve Ellis)A man was stabbed in Sheffield city centre yesterday morning (Photo: Steve Ellis)
A man was stabbed in Sheffield city centre yesterday morning (Photo: Steve Ellis)
A man remains in hospital today after he was stabbed in broad daylight in Sheffield city centre.

The 20-year-old was knifed in a fight on Arundel Gate at around 11.30am yesterday.

He was helped by passers-by and treated by paramedics on nearby Norfolk Street before being taken to hospital, where he remains today in a stable condition.

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South Yorkshire Police said witnesses reported seeing a knife and metal bar when violence flared.

A number of people were at the scene at the time, with a 30-year-old man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

He remains in police custody this morning.

Detectives investigating the stabbing said it is ‘not believed to be linked to any other incidents’.

South Yorkshire Police said: “Enquiries are still ongoing to determine the exact circumstances.”

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Police cordoned off the crime scene yesterday while officers pieced together what happened.

Anyone with information should call the force on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.