Sheffield man who raped two women jailed for 12 years

Ethan RayEthan Ray
Ethan Ray
A Sheffield rapist whose victims were left '˜tortured' by his attacks has been jailed for 12 years.

Ethan Ray, 33, of Colley Road, Parson Cross, was charged with raping two women from Barnsley and Sheffield. A jury at Sheffield Crown Court took less than an hour to find him guilty on all four counts, and he was given a 12-year prison sentence.

The court heard how both women were subjected to abuse and violence at Ray’s hands. They cannot be named for legal reasons.

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DC Rachael McClure, investigating officer, said: “Both of these women have shown tremendous courage in coming forward to police to report this abuse.

“Because Ray refused to accept responsibility for his crimes, his victims were forced to relive their abusive and terrifying experiences before the court.

“They are still plagued by the memories of this defendant’s behaviour towards them, describing it as being ‘tortured daily’, and I truly hope this positive conviction and lengthy sentence goes some way to reassuring them that he can cause them no further harm.

“This is a clear message that sexual violence will not be tolerated and hopefully, more women who are subjected to similar abuse will have the courage to come forward.”

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