Same old wine, just a different label?

Theresa MayTheresa May
Theresa May
Listening to PM May's inaugural 'One Nation' speech the other day, I was struck by the similarities to that of the then Mrs Thatcher's who quoted St Francis of Assisi: 'Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope '¦. and to all the British people - howsoever they voted - may I say this. Now that the election is over, may we get together and strive to serve and strengthen the country of which we're so proud to be a part'.

Baroness Thatcher also incorporated non-Oxbridge personnel from more humble backgrounds into her Cabinet; such as Norman Tebbit and Cecil Parkinson for example, who, rather than go about uniting the nation, played instrumental roles in pursuing the Darwinstic, free market concept of “creative destruction” in relation to the UKs established staple industries in particular, as a means towards achieving the end of destroying working class trades union power without any new, effective industries to put in their place.

So, far from uniting the nation in peaceful co-existence, she and her ilk succeeded in destroying whole industries and the communities that relied on them for their existence, thereby returning to a society charecterized by the haves and the increasing proportion of persecuted have nots.

Effects that are still being felt by millions even today.

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Lets hope then that PM May’s inaugural speech is more than just a coded message to the functionally split Conservative Party to unite behind previous policy. In other words, trust that she really means what she says.

But given that all the mainstream parliamentary political parties are well and truly wedded to the free market theology, I am the only one with doubts about her capability to deliver?

Just a thought as “they” say.

Michael Parker

Robertshaw Crescent, Deepcar, Sheffield, S36