Heed the experts with only one agenda

Professor Chris WittyProfessor Chris Witty
Professor Chris Witty
Over the course of the pandemic, we have watched as politicians on all sides change their minds continuously in one way or another.

It seems to me that this happens as they try to appease so many different people and groups.

From business to fitness and sport people have all put their case forward for their own corner with passionate pleas.

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Meanwhile two other things have occurred. The scientists, who have no agenda or group to appease have constantly given warnings and have been proven right. These predictions are generally shared by the masses, until common sense leaves if restrictions have a direct effect on our chosen way of living. The other reality sadly is that we have now had more deaths in one day than Australia has had over the entire pandemic period.

It may well be true that most of Europe and what we may call the western countries find themselves in the same terrible grip. However, because others are doing badly or doing the wrong thing does not mean we are in good company. This is not a good position to place ourselves in. It is stupid at best!

The bible has been summarised like this. The Old Testament tells the story of humanity struggling with God, making many mistakes along the way and God promising to save them. The New Testament is the record of how he did it.

Jesus was not popular. He was in the end killed because he had no interest in appeasing people, or, telling them what they wanted to hear. His agenda was simple, to save people, not appease them.

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Much like the scientists during this pandemic who simply tell the truth on what will save us. Peter got it wrong may times. Yet, when he was faced with the same religious authorities who had killed Jesus and told to stop spreading the message of the Saviour his response was courageous and incredibly insightful. It would have been smart to agree, apologise and appease them, or remain silent. Peter replied, ‘Is it better that we listen to you or to God?’

Jesus loved us enough to tell us the truth. We have a conscience in us that the Lord God has given. If we listen to it, we will hear the words of life and listen to the expert who has only one agenda, to save us! If not, I think we see the results all around us.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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