Look a little closer at what you are voting for

Councillor David Ogle

High Green ward

High Green VolunteerCouncillor David Ogle

High Green ward

High Green Volunteer
Councillor David Ogle High Green ward High Green Volunteer
John Yale, you ask the wrong question, but that is no surprise to me given you are a Labour party drone.

You really should be asking why I and Councillor John Booker are not in the Labour party.

Both of us are working class lads from council estates, who come from once Labour-voting families going back many generations.

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You knew my grandad very well, Larry Kingham, former Labour councillor, so you are aware I write facts.

The truth you will not see is the Labour party is not what it presents itself to be, especially in West Ecclesfield ward.

It is quite simply a residents’ association for the middle class Labour drones and a handful of Quislings like yourself.

Would I stand against Councillor John Booker?

No. He is a great force for good in my community, a man of integrity and a real grafter.

I will do all I can to support this good man.

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I can see past the rosette con trick, I will keep fighting for my community despite the odds.

I’ve actually stood for election 10 times.

The reason I keep fighting is because of the damage people like you and your Labour party do in tandem with the Lib Dems to the streets we share.

Of course you are so far gone my reply is wasted on you, I just hope others reading this might be prompted to look a little closer at what they are voting for when they vote for a red, yellow, green even blue rosette.

Councillor David Ogle

High Green ward, High Green Volunteer

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